Thursday, 13 December 2012

Back in one piece and getting ready for Christmas

After an operation this summer, which meant that the family had to take over cooking duties for a while as I was unable to, I have sadly been unable to update my blog at all since I returned to the kitchen a couple of months ago. I have been unable to sit down for prolonged periods with any degree of comfort and so recreational computing has been out, as I have had to devote my energies to necessary computing for work.

However, I have now reached the point where I can sit down for a while and type without wincing, so normal service should be resumed shortly. Hurrah!

I've made a Christmas cake which is sitting in a tin maturing at the moment. I have the family for Christmas - my husband and sons will be spending it with me this year rather than going and sliding down mountains as they have for the last two years (it's amazing what a threat to change the locks while they are away if they go away for Christmas for the third year in a row will achieve), and my parents are joining us, so there will be six of us. So what will we be eating?

Turkey, of course, along with chestnut, apple and sausagemeat stuffing, plus my great-grandmother's recipe for sage and onion stuffing, which is a thing of absolute joy. Sprouts by the bucketful, buttered carrots with basil, and mashed potato. (The mashed potato and sprouts will be cooked in enormous quantities so as to provide plenty of leftovers for the traditional Boxing Day bubble and squeak.) And, of course, Christmas pudding and white nutmeggy custard, with a generous splosh of rum poured over the pud before applying the custard. Although, having had Christmas pudding served with advocaat last year, rather than rum and custard, I am torn...

And, of course, mince pies will be prepared... quite possibly some scones too (pronounced to rhyme with "bones" and "cones" rather than "Johns") to serve with raspberry jam and clotted cream for Christmas Day tea... if I get myself organised, too, I can make some Christmas biscuits to my old schoolfriend Sabine's recipe, which are rather delicious. I can feel a plan coming on.