Wednesday 21 March 2012

What's for dinner, Mum?... the perennial cry in our house.

As a full-time working mother of 2 teenage dustbins on legs, it's one that recurs on a regular basis. I've been trying to get more organised lately and plan the meals for a week ahead, so my Saturday mornings are generally spent doing the planning and going to the supermarket. With a husband that goes out fairly unpredictably, but who also hates waste and throwing uneaten food away, this is often a challenge. I'm trying to watch my weight as well, and also provide healthy home-cooked food the majority of the time, and the boys are permanently hungry. Oh yes, and the younger one has braces on his teeth at the moment, which necessitates serving sloppy things that don't need chewing for the first few days after a trip to the orthodontist...

So, I'm starting this blog to record what I'm serving up. What's worked, what hasn't... things I will try again, and things that are best avoided. I might put the odd picture in, every now and then, if time permits. If I don't - well, you'll have to imagine what it looks like.


  1. I will look forward to some good recipe ideas!

  2. Ooh! Blog! Why didn't I know about this before?
    +1 avid reader :)
